
Showing posts from August, 2022

Save a Horse Ride Me Cowboy Country Music T Shirt

  Save a Horse Ride Me Cowboy Country Music T Shirt When it comes to just bad rolls, they can’t consistently be bad. So give that person more rolls. Throw in a  Save a Horse Ride Me Cowboy Country Music T Shirt  that only they can deal with. Put in a trap that they are uniquely qualified to resolve, and let them automatically succeed when they see it again. There is an old DOS game that I love called Amulets & Armor. The random seed is actually static. A portion of the predetermined rolls fail for about 6 to 10 in a row. It usually comes up when casting spells. The only way through it is to do more rolls. Eventually the losing streak ends. So allowing a person with bad luck to break their streak is fun. (Save a Horse Ride Me Cowboy Country Music T Shirt) Buy It NOw: Save a Horse Ride Me Cowboy Country Music T Shirt Save a Horse Ride Me Cowboy Country Music T Shirt Save a Horse Ride Me Cowboy Country Music T Shirt Mens Sortafast Industries _Bolted_ design T Shirt Kevin...

Some Nurses Cuss Too Much Nursing Funny Nurse T Shirt

  Some Nurses Cuss Too Much Nursing Funny Nurse T Shirt You’re hurt, but you’ve still got a lot of  Some Nurses Cuss Too Much Nursing Funny Nurse T Shirt  in you. You are, after all, protecting your home from these invaders. You take aim with your crossbow again, and nail the human in the shoulder. It’s a great shot; he’ll be unable to lift his arm now, much less draw his bow. You dodge the dwarf again, and you still can’t locate the halfling, but then the stupid, annoying elf starts chanting in some obnoxious elf language, and suddenly your well-aimed crossbow bolt magically removes itself from the human’s shoulder, and the wound closes! See, this is why you’ve always hated elves. You know when you’re outmatched, so you turn and run for your secret exit, but as you round the corner, the halfling is suddenly there, and surprises you with a dagger in the ribs. The last thing you see is her little halfling face hanging above you, smiling under a dark gray hood as your breat...

Speak Your Mind Even If Your Voice Shakes RBG Vintage shirt

  Speak Your Mind Even If Your Voice Shakes RBG Vintage shirt Apparently, Spinel reminded her of  Speak Your Mind Even If Your Voice Shakes RBG Vintage shirt  when she was alive, and it played on emotions she hadn’t considered for decades, if not a couple of centuries. As thanks, she gave Spinny her Mask of Many Faces and remarked that “It will be nice to affect the world again.” She escorted Spinel to a platform, and told her to stay safe going back up to the city. Later, when Spinel and Fahren sailed off from Alaghôn, DM had me roll a perception check: Spinny then saw a stunning Elven woman standing on the docks, waving at The Saint Marie… Who had a blanket tied around her shoulders. The two of them have been friends and pen pals since then—Spinny even got Unthir to attend one of Tarael’s parties! She doesn’t realize that Unthir only went to the party to see Spinel, but the two of them got to dance, so that’s all Spinny cares about. DM has gotten pretty wise to Spinny’s...

Speak Your Mind Even If Your Voice Shakes shirt

  Speak Your Mind Even If Your Voice Shakes shirt One thing I’d like to mention is the  Speak Your Mind Even If Your Voice Shakes shirt  my friends and I refer to as “kiddie” D&D. You get an almost perfect example of it in Stranger Things. Kids (which for this situation basically means middle school or early teens) have very little clue what the heck the actual rules are. They make ridiculous stuff up, write hideously unbalanced house rules, hand out crazy magic items like tossing candy off a parade float and generally break the game ninety different ways each time they play. And they have a blast doing it. Which brings me to the very first, most fundamental rule of D&D, “If everyone’s having fun, you’re doing it right. (Speak Your Mind Even If Your Voice Shakes shirt) Buy It NOw: Speak Your Mind Even If Your Voice Shakes shirt Speak Your Mind Even If Your Voice Shakes shirt Speak Your Mind Even If Your Voice Shakes shirt mitchburgh mitchell trubisky pittsburgh st...

Stop Crying Mom My First Day Kindergarten School T Shirt

  Stop Crying Mom My First Day Kindergarten School T Shirt However, you can take your action (not any bonus action), and hold it, using the ready action. This means you define a  Stop Crying Mom My First Day Kindergarten School T Shirt  you are waiting for (like a creature coming through a door, or if a creature under guard tries to move), and then your use your action that you defined (striking, shooting, casting a spell, or even dashing away). If the condition occurs, then you use your reaction to perform that action (meaning you do not have your reaction for something else, like a reaction spell or an opportunity attack (although you can select to do this and abandon the ready action if something occurs before the condition). If the condition occurs, you can also ignore that instance of it and wait for another instance of it. (Stop Crying Mom My First Day Kindergarten School T Shirt) Buy It NOw: Stop Crying Mom My First Day Kindergarten School T Shirt Stop Crying Mom M...

Sunset Ice Hockey Vintage Retro Style For Hockey Player T Shirt

  Sunset Ice Hockey Vintage Retro Style For Hockey Player T Shirt According to the Warden and in one case the Judge that banned D&D from  Sunset Ice Hockey Vintage Retro Style For Hockey Player T Shirt  it’s because they believe D&D could lead to escape plans and gangs, respectively. But I can tell you of another circumstance of D&D being banned in prisons for a different reason… So I did time and played a lot of D&D in prison. D&D is a very big deal in prison. In the federal system, they have something called the “Creative Minds Program” and it’s a program that some prisons have that allow inmates to purchase things like board games, card games (including Magic Cards) and, yes, D&D items to play. My prison didn’t have it but we got a good CO down at rec eventually who got it going for us as a pilot program. She even let us order dice with rec funds and people who had them got special thematic cards that gave them permission to have them. (Sunset I...

Team PARKER Lifetime Member Vintage PARKER Family T Shirt

  Team PARKER Lifetime Member Vintage PARKER Family T Shirt So anyway in the program was not allowed to play D&D. They also made a similar requirement at the  Team PARKER Lifetime Member Vintage PARKER Family T Shirt  prison at FCC Butner which also has a SO program for the same reason. At the time I thought this was dumb and was just worried about them fucking us over at the low because of what some idiots were doing at the Medium, but it never happened. So I get out of prison and for probation they make us go to group treatment for at least the first year once a week. The idea is that it’s like a support group so we can help each other as we struggle to get back on our feet, which isn’t a bad idea. They also enforce things like acceptance of responsibility and empathy. (Team PARKER Lifetime Member Vintage PARKER Family T Shirt) Buy It NOw: Team PARKER Lifetime Member Vintage PARKER Family T Shirt Team PARKER Lifetime Member Vintage PARKER Family T Shirt Team PARKER ...

Team PEREZ Lifetime Member Vintage PEREZ Family T Shirt

  Team PEREZ Lifetime Member Vintage PEREZ Family T Shirt The earliest incarnation of D&D was an addition to the  Team PEREZ Lifetime Member Vintage PEREZ Family T Shirt  miniature war-game Chainmail. As such, it inherits some terminology from miniature wargames, and through them, from real military terminology. In warfare, “initiative” is the somewhat nebulous but vital sense of who is in a position to act or take control before their opponent can. Wargames have long simulated that concept through the turn order, and some introduced the concept of rolling for initiative (modified by circumstances or army statistics) to determine which player acts first. D&D inherited a version of these systems, which in turn was adapted by later RPGs. (Team PEREZ Lifetime Member Vintage PEREZ Family T Shirt) Buy It NOw: Team PEREZ Lifetime Member Vintage PEREZ Family T Shirt Team PEREZ Lifetime Member Vintage PEREZ Family T Shirt Team PEREZ Lifetime Member Vintage PEREZ Family T ...

Thanksgiving Patriotic Turkey Hunter American Flag Turkey T Shirt

  Thanksgiving Patriotic Turkey Hunter American Flag Turkey T Shirt So Unthir can’t immediately attack—doing so risks the ire of another Lich; instead, she and Spinel talk for a  Thanksgiving Patriotic Turkey Hunter American Flag Turkey T Shirt . Notably, Spinel doesn’t really treat Unthir any differently than if she was talking to an alive Elven Wizard. She’s just herself: Friendly, openhearted, vulnerable. And something about that strikes a chord in Unthir. I forgot exactly what happened, but Spinny hugged her, and Unthir just started crying—obviously not actual crying because she’s a Lich and her tear ducts decayed centuries back, but the emotions are still the same. So Spinel just kept hugging her until Unthir felt good enough to let go. (Thanksgiving Patriotic Turkey Hunter American Flag Turkey T Shirt) Buy It NOw: Thanksgiving Patriotic Turkey Hunter American Flag Turkey T Shirt Thanksgiving Patriotic Turkey Hunter American Flag Turkey T Shirt Thanksgiving Patriotic Turk...

Thanksgiving Theme Love Daddy Happy Turkey Day Thanksgiving T Shirt

  Thanksgiving Theme Love Daddy Happy Turkey Day Thanksgiving T Shirt This character was a hit with the other players primarily because I played it like some kind of  Thanksgiving Theme Love Daddy Happy Turkey Day Thanksgiving T Shirt  wood golem version of Abathur from Starcraft 2. It was focused purely on improvement; acquisition of new magics, acquisition of new schematics for articulation of joints or wood treatment processes to increase hardness of its blade hands, acquisition of political capital with those who had the resources and connections to provide further insight into how to self-improve, etc etc etc. This is why it was a rogue, after all. Assassination-for-hire can be lucrative and connect you with all of the right people. It was entirely indifferent to the plight of every living thing except: 1) Druids, as it maintained a deep and abiding affection for the druid that it had spent its first two centuries standing guardian over, 2) other Awakened creatures/p...

Thanksgiving Theme Love G Mom Happy Turkey Day Thanksgiving T Shirt

  Thanksgiving Theme Love G Mom Happy Turkey Day Thanksgiving T Shirt It didn’t like the “tree form” that it had been awakened in; it hated being clumsy. It had spent the  Thanksgiving Theme Love G Mom Happy Turkey Day Thanksgiving T Shirt  3,000 years refining itself. Instead of being a giant oak, it now resembled nothing more or less than a rune-covered wood golem, about 8ft tall and man-shaped, with articulated limbs. As it pared itself down to its own living heartwood, it lost the Awakened Tree trait of “False Appearance” (False Appearance. While the tree remains motionless, it is indistinguishable from a normal tree.) but it could still tap into the same motionlessness; we decided that this meant it had bonuses to stealth on rounds that it hadn’t moved. I used this rather often to break line of sight with enemies, then go totally motionless and prepare an ambush. (Thanksgiving Theme Love G Mom Happy Turkey Day Thanksgiving T Shirt) Buy It NOw: Thanksgiving Theme Love...

The Goatfather Farm Animal Farmer Rancher Goat Dad Lover T Shirt

  The Goatfather Farm Animal Farmer Rancher Goat Dad Lover T Shirt This came with a lot of other stat modifiers as well, of course. We decided that such a  The Goatfather Farm Animal Farmer Rancher Goat Dad Lover T Shirt  would still be pretty strong, but not 19 strength strong, so we downgraded that. We figured that it would definitely have higher than 6 dex, considering that it had hated being clumsy, so we gave it above-average dex. There were other adjustments that were made as well, but most of those were minor. We’d decided that our fancy magical-equivalent-of-bionic ancient Awakened Tree had upgraded / downgraded from the traditional slam attack (Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: (3d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage.) to a more focused piercing lance type attack; it had converted its own limbs into stabbing implements, because that’s quieter than hitting people with entire tree branches. It did considerably less damage but could be used f...

Louis wearing Sun Room logo shirt

  Louis wearing Sun Room logo shirt However, you can take your action (not any bonus action), and hold it, using the ready action. This means you define a  Louis wearing Sun Room logo shirt  you are waiting for (like a creature coming through a door, or if a creature under guard tries to move), and then your use your action that you defined (striking, shooting, casting a spell, or even dashing away). If the condition occurs, then you use your reaction to perform that action (meaning you do not have your reaction for something else, like a reaction spell or an opportunity attack (although you can select to do this and abandon the ready action if something occurs before the condition). If the condition occurs, you can also ignore that instance of it and wait for another instance of it. (Louis wearing Sun Room logo shirt) Buy It NOw: Louis wearing Sun Room logo shirt Louis wearing Sun Room logo shirt Louis wearing Sun Room logo shirt Wet Bussy Contest art shirt Madi about Li...

Welcome to Ohio you have now seen all of Ohio please come again soon photo shirt

  Welcome to Ohio you have now seen all of Ohio please come again soon photo shirt If you owe that much wealth to a city, then that means that city has put out that much wealth, one way or another, on your behalf. The  Welcome to Ohio you have now seen all of Ohio please come again soon photo shirt  worst they can do is send people to try to motivate you, but, so what? If you default, the city’s economy collapses, if it hasn’t already. It will likely have problems paying its guards or soldiers or courtiers or any other number of things. So, how do you resolve this? Instead of investing your money into paying back the debt, you invest your money into the city’s infrastructure. You buy the constabulary, the services, everything out from under them. You ensure the machinery go on, and then… (Welcome to Ohio you have now seen all of Ohio please come again soon photo shirt) Buy It NOw: Welcome to Ohio you have now seen all of Ohio please come again soon photo shirt Welcome to ...

FSU Noles House Divided UF Gator Shirt

  FSU Noles House Divided UF Gator Shirt The  FSU Noles House Divided UF Gator Shirt  is that in recent years, the term “Murder Hobo” has come to mean something else. It’s come to mean something nasty, evil and distasteful. It means someone who is murdering everyone in the campaign for no reason other than being “evil”or something. And the thing is, when is the last time you as a DM ever saw a party of adventurers do that? Probably never. “Murderhoboes” defined in this manner do not exist. They are a boogeyman or a mythical creature told to frighten young DMs so they go to sleep on time after brushing their teeth and eating their vegetables. You might have seen some rowdy players who got even with some bad dudes you put in the campaign, or who killed some people because they had nice magic items (and why not? That’s what adventurers do!), but I’m extremely doubtful you ever came across a bunch of players who were so degenerate that they killed everything in sight. (FSU No...

Why yes I am Virgin no I’m not waiting for Marriage I’m saving myself for SpongeBob shirt

  Why yes I am Virgin no I’m not waiting for Marriage I’m saving myself for SpongeBob shirt One thing I’d like to mention is the  Why yes I am Virgin no I’m not waiting for Marriage I’m saving myself for SpongeBob shirt  my friends and I refer to as “kiddie” D&D. You get an almost perfect example of it in Stranger Things. Kids (which for this situation basically means middle school or early teens) have very little clue what the heck the actual rules are. They make ridiculous stuff up, write hideously unbalanced house rules, hand out crazy magic items like tossing candy off a parade float and generally break the game ninety different ways each time they play. And they have a blast doing it. Which brings me to the very first, most fundamental rule of D&D, “If everyone’s having fun, you’re doing it right. (Why yes I am Virgin no I’m not waiting for Marriage I’m saving myself for SpongeBob shirt) Buy It NOw: Why yes I am Virgin no I’m not waiting for Marriage I’m savi...

would you let me take a dump on your chest shirt Shirt trang

  would you let me take a dump on your chest shirt Shirt trang Unrelated, but Spinel owes Umberlee a  would you let me take a dump on your chest shirt Shirt trang  now for assisting in a trial. Apparently Umberlee is going to send one of her real priests onto Spinel’s ship, when Spinel graduates and assembles her own crew. I got to make said priest—he’s a proper Yandere. Spinel has no idea what she just signed up for. Immediately volunteered to participate in the Blood War when she learned Errakyon would have to serve in order to pay for some mass resurrections. (Long story that marks the start of Erra’s redemption. It’s awesome!) Instead of him going to Avernus for one day a week for ten years, now both of them go to Avernus for one day a week for five years. (would you let me take a dump on your chest shirt Shirt trang) Buy It NOw: would you let me take a dump on your chest shirt Shirt trang would you let me take a dump on your chest shirt Shirt trang would you let me t...

Ketaminegirls shirt

  Ketaminegirls shirt According to the Warden and in one case the Judge that banned D&D from  Ketaminegirls shirt  it’s because they believe D&D could lead to escape plans and gangs, respectively. But I can tell you of another circumstance of D&D being banned in prisons for a different reason… So I did time and played a lot of D&D in prison. D&D is a very big deal in prison. In the federal system, they have something called the “Creative Minds Program” and it’s a program that some prisons have that allow inmates to purchase things like board games, card games (including Magic Cards) and, yes, D&D items to play. My prison didn’t have it but we got a good CO down at rec eventually who got it going for us as a pilot program. She even let us order dice with rec funds and people who had them got special thematic cards that gave them permission to have them. (Ketaminegirls shirt) Buy It NOw: Ketaminegirls shirt Ketaminegirls shirt Ketaminegirls shirt Rip...